Name: Ladyboy Amy
Birthday: 9th of August
Weight: 106lb (48kg)
Height: 5'1 (154cm)
Cocksize: 3 Inches (10cm)
Biography: Petite, sweet and full of attitude, Amy IS Ladyboy perfection. Beautiful blue eyes, gorgeous face and full C cup tits, Amy would fool anyone with her...
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Amy - Full Love Inn
Description: One of the better things in Thailand is to get in a car or motorbike and go to a love motel for sex. Love motels places where you rent a room for $8 for 3 hours and can fuck all you want with the date you bring with. Amy drives us to the Full Love Inn for a fuck and suck session! I love spending time with this little babe and cumming on her pretty Ladyboy body. Hope you enjoy this adventure we have together!