Name: Ladyboy Andreia Scofani
Birthday: 18th of November
Weight: 176lb (80kg)
Height: 5'7 (185cm)
Cocksize: 7.4 Inches (19cm)
Biography: TS babe Andreia Scofani may look innocent with her gorgeous chocolate brown figure, glimmering braces and sweet face but don't let Adreia's look fool...
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Andreia Scofani Gangbanged
Description: With her dark skin and pretty face, big tits and such an appetizing ass, Andreia is always a magnet for cocks. No wonder she's now surrounded by 5 of them, all hard and eager to pound her tight hole and to stroke off her dong. Even the sight of them makes her smile, knowing that in a few seconds, one by one they will gap her ass and fuck it deep, filling it with cum and spreading it all around, on her tits and face. She's a cum sucker and loves cocks, deep pushed, sucking on them and tasting their cream.