Name: Ladyboy Pooky
Birthday: April 6
Weight: 149.6lb (68kg)
Height: 5.8 (174cm)
Cocksize: 6.5 Inches (16.5 cm)
Biography: Ladyboy Pooky is a friendly girl with a cute face and a nice body. She has pretty large tits, a very big and firm cock, as well as a thick round ass....
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Ball Worship, Frottage HJ with Smoking 4k
Description: Ladyboy Pooky is in the bathroom wearing a tight, shimmering black skirt, a pink top tied in front, and high heels. She lifts her skirt up over her thick thighs and round ass and shows the POV the thong she has on underneath. She steps out of the bathroom and over to a table where the POV steps onto and has her suck his cock as she sits on the bench. Next, the guy gets down on the ground and tugs on Pooky's hard cock and watches her stroke it herself. Then, on the bed, Pooky sucks his shaft and then frots the two cocks together. She then jerks out her load across his chest. Afterwards she gives him a handjob until he stands up and cums on her cock and balls. After this, she showers off and has a cigarette outside.