Name: Ladyboy Bovei
Birthday: 31 December
Weight: 103.4 lb (47kg)
Height: 5'5" (165cm)
Cocksize: 6 Inches (15.2 cm)
Biography: Bovei is one of the hottest commodities in The Dark Side bar in Bangkok.* This bar itself is probably one of the best ladyboy bars without the stage...
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Bovei - Accidental Facial
Description: Bangkok Ladyboy Bovei came as a recommendation from a past model. She has one kickin' body, so we made sure to have her wear a sexy red bikini with garter belt and stockings -- which it seemed her body was made to model. Shortly after getting that on, we made sure she took it off. Again -- What a hot body! She is also fantastic at sucking cock -- so much so that while we weren't intending to cum and tried as hard as we could NOT to, it just... happened... surprising her when it got her in the face and hair. It was pretty funny actually. After that slip up, she finished the shoot by sticking a vibrator up her as and tossing off until she came (while screaming "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!")