Name: Ladyboy Cam
Birthday: 29th of December
Weight: 140.8 lbs (64kg)
Height: 5'7 (170cm)
Cocksize: 5.5 Inches (14cm)
Biography: Ladyboy Cam is the sexy minx that passes by in dreams and fantasies. If you think dreams can't come true let me tell you, you are WRONG. This horny...
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Description: Cam has a nice bitch face and we mean that in the best way. This is the kind of face that as you torture her ass only looks back to make sure you know she likes it and never in anger. As Cam changes out of her teeny weeny, polka dot bikini into her futuristic mermaid lingerie her puffy nips make our mouth water. She stuffs a champagne stopper into her asshole as she wrists one off for the masses to take in. This set is the truth!