Name: Ladyboy Pooh
Birthday: 17th of September
Weight: 107.8 lbs (49kg)
Height: 5'5" (166cm)
Cocksize: 7.3 Inches (18.5 cm)
Biography: We have a sneaking suspicion that Pooh's phone is going to EXPLODE after her first episode is up on LadyboyGold, and for very good reason. Pooh's a...
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Fluffy Stockings Big Cock Bareback
Description: LadyboyObsession episode 104 with Pooh. Today we have Pooh back for another video, me and her go back a long time, I don't mean as in we're close friends, but I do mean when it comes to making porn videos we go back a long time. Nowadays there are few ladyboy admirers that haven't seen her, if you google big dicks and ladyboys she is bound to show up. All that is great, but it has been getting more difficult to meet her, but you know me, I don't give up easily, I know there are many people including myself who like to see her play so I just kept trying and at least I secured another video with her for you all to see. Please enjoy her new scene only here.