Name: Ladyboy Susan
Birthday: 19th of January
Weight: 128lbs (58kg)
Height: 5'6 (170cm)
Cocksize: 4.5 Inches (11.5cm)
Biography: Susan is a WILD Redhead who enjoys playing with two cocks at the same time: her own and one of a random stranger. Susan has small natural tits, an...
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Horny and Kinky Redhead
Description: Susan-what?!? Yeah, we are switching it up a bit today with this ginger cunt. This caramel complexioned ass donkey with titties and some dick beauty. Susan shows you just what kind of cock slut with a surprise she is with her cute, flesh colored dildo with nut sack. As Susan polishes that knob she starts to rub one out and gets a little crazy with it. When she starts delivering that dildo into her anal docking port is when things really start to get interesting though, and just as she is about to cum ... she does ... its a miracle of life and sexuality.