Name: Ladyboy Jany
Birthday: 10th of February
Weight: 123.2 lbs (56kg)
Height: 5'5" (166cm)
Cocksize: 5 Inches (12.7 cm)
Biography: Jany is a little bit awkward to be around but she is pure filth in the bedroom, she likes to talk while she sucks your cock and challenges you to...
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Huge Ropey Cumshot
Description: Jany uses her wet mouth and hand to finish me off. She's in S & M gear and black bra and panties. Jany is beautiful enough I could jerk off to a photo of her, but much better to have the real thing. It took all my effort to make this episode last longer than 2 minutes and my big cumshot shows how turned on I was for Jany.