Name: Ladyboy Ammee
Birthday: Aug 1
Weight: 103.4 lb (47kg)
Height: 5'7" (170cm)
Cocksize: 5.5 Inches (14 cm)
Biography: Ammee aka Kawaii is a young Japanese culture loving girl that is most definitely wilder than most. If you meet her you better brace yourself and be...
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Jerk Off in Golden Shower
Description: I was having my eighth bottle of beer on the streets of Bangkok late at night when I found myself staring at a set of perky tits bouncing up and down attached to a lean ladyboy who was walking towards my general direction. When she passed by I realized it was Ammee whom I hadn't seen in a couple of years. So grabbed her wrist, she gave me dirty grin and asked me what I wanted. I told her to tell me what she wanted first, she just wanted to cum and I just wanted to have a piss at that point so we left and both got what we wanted.