Name: Ladyboy Sakura 2
Birthday: March 3
Weight: 123.2 lb (56kg)
Height: 5'10" (178cm)
Cocksize: 5 Inches (12.7 cm)
Biography: Tall, skinny, sexy and soft spoken. If these are the things you look for in a Ladyboy then the uber sensual Sakura is exactly what you need. She...
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Owned Femboy with Creamy Lips
Description: 212 Sakura. Sakura had contacted me saying she had bought body lingerie and wanted to make a video with her wearing it and showing off her body. Personally, I prefer to actually see her body and not have it covered up and hidden away in black, sometimes it works but I think she was too tall for hers. Anyway, what can you do if someone like Sakura comes knocking? Only two things, I did one of them.