Name: Ladyboy Cake
Birthday: 2nd of February
Weight: 115lb (52kg)
Height: 5'4 (163cm)
Cocksize: 4.5 Inches (11.4cm)
Biography: It's impossible to not become obsessed with this darling of a ladyboy named Cake. Just have one look at her gorgeous slender figure, lovely tits and...
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Petite Cherub Fantasy
Description: Cake, have yours and eat it too. This little angel from above is so ridiculously hot that I just had a hands free orgasm looking at her set. That confused look, those big pie eyes, that stupid Japanese loose curl hair and all that unnecessary biting of the lip. Fuck you guys; I'm going to marry this one! As she wanks and squints her way through a rub and tug she dreams of a better life ... with me-nah, I'm just playing, this is a community ass gash and we should all bask in it's spoils. MMMMmmmMM, get some of this Cake.