Name: Ladyboy Prem
Birthday: Sept 5
Weight: 136.4lb (62kg)
Height: 5'10" (178cm)
Cocksize: 6.5 Inches (16.5 cm)
Biography: One look at Prem's (a.k.a Premmie) perfect face and slender, supermodel body you'll be hooked. Prem is one of the most beautiful models we've ever...
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Prem - Choker Stroker
Description: Prem takes off her black girlfriend dress, then miss-matched bra and panties to masturbate. Prem is barefoot and naked, with just a choker necklace around her delicate neck. Prem's perky, mouth-watering hormone tits jut as she pumps her throbbing girl-cock. Prem is not a girl to miss and we love seeing her on LBgirlfriends ... or anywhere!