Name: Ladyboy Sakura
Birthday: 12th of March
Weight: 149lb (68kg)
Height: 5'11 (181cm)
Cocksize: 7 Inches (17.8cm)
Biography: Sakura is PERFECT for lovers of BIG Ladyboys with HUGE cocks. Sakuras GIGANTIC creamy balls swing wild as she bounces bareback on cocks, and her pink...
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Sakura - Delicate Sakura Summer Love
Description: Sakura is one of the fittest ladyboys you'll ever dream to run into, and this time I literally bumped into her, she had surgery done and was rocking a new set of bumpers on her chest when we walked into each other at a crowded club. I didn't waste any time, I took her wrist and dragged her towards the exit. Sakura stopped me and told her she was wasn't leaving her friends behind and I was too drunk, she was probably right. It was a bit of a moment of realization that maybe I had been hitting the bottle too hard lately so I didn't attempt to approach anyone else and went home. The next morning when I woke up with a nice thought reset I was thrilled to see Sakura had been sending me messages checking in to see if I was alright. I texted her back that I wasn't sure and that maybe she would need to come take a look for herself and bring something nice to wear to show off her upgraded body. She told me to hit the shower and open my door in Half an hour.