Name: Ladyboy Som
Birthday: 1th of September
Weight: 108lb (49.1kg)
Height: 5'4 (163cm)
Cocksize: 6 Inches (15.2cm)
Biography: Som is very hard not to notice with her beautiful big cheeks, lovely eyes and cute smile but that is just the start of this very sexy ladyboy. Som...
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Sexy Clerk
Description: I was standing in line inside a shop from a large chain of pharmacies when the staff behind the register was replaced. Out went the middle aged man, in came the younger cheeky Som. I felt kind of embarrassed having to pay her for the several boxes of lube and condoms but I didn't want to admit to it. When I was up, Som looked at the boxes and while she scanned the condoms she looked up and straight into my eyes, she knew what I was up to. Her glance was electric. I hit her up on an app that shows nearby people and made this video with her.