Name: Ladyboy Mimi
Birthday: Oct 5
Weight: 112.2 lbs (51kg)
Height: 5'9" (175cm)
Cocksize: 5.5 Inches (14 cm)
Biography: Mimi looks very convincing when she is out and about in regular casual girl clothes. Mimi looks like an average next door, and innocent school girl...
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Short Hair Sperm Blast
Description: Mimi has a very innocent looking face and overall appearance, when I first saw her downtown waiting for the next BTS train to arrive I thought she was a regular girl, she stood out because she had a school girl haircut but seemed a bit tall and old to be sporting that do. It wasn't until later when I saw Mimi showing off her body while moving around a pole in a Nana Plaza bar that I knew she was actually a ladyboy. I don't often get 'fooled' but she sure as hell fooled me, twice even, both her looks and her sex fooled me. I couldn't let that slide obviously so I took her home and share her beauty with the members on this site. Watch her not so innocent video right here on LadyboyVice.