Name: Ladyboy Mon
Birthday: 14th of February
Weight: 112.2 lbs (51kg)
Height: 5'6" (166cm)
Cocksize: 5.3 inches (13.4 cm)
Biography: Mon is a femboy freelancer in Pattaya who is very soft spoken and very friendly and serviceable, she suffers a bit from acne but that adds to the...
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Tiny Titty Cocksucker
Description: I had seen Mon on the Internet before, back then she was more of a he and he was featured on some gay website doing naughty things. Unlike most of the models featured on that website Mon looked fragile and feminine so I had pounded off to the videos several times imagining it was me fucking him even though it was clearly a boy. Years later I ran into her at a mall so I finally did what I should have done years before.