Name: Ladyboy Nanny
Birthday: 24th of November
Weight: 116.6 lbs (53kg)
Height: 5'1 (155cm)
Cocksize: 5 Inches (12.7cm)
Biography: Nanny is a brand new Femboy who can't wait to show what she can do on LadyboyGold. At first shy and demure, but once warmed up Nanny can gape with...
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Wide Eyed Buttfucking
Description: Her name made me recall the days I had a nanny myself, the way she tucked me in, the way she read me bedtime stories, the way she held me when the thunder rolled, if only she would have been a little bit more like Nanny I might have discovered my strong attraction to cock girls a lot sooner, she serves well for making up for lost time though.